Monday, February 25, 2019

Clean And Functional Solar Panels

Orange County solar panel cleaning is important to keep your solar panels operating at 100% efficiency. This simple service is something most window cleaning companies can handle for you. Call a professional solar panel cleaning company today.
No one gives much thought to the cleanliness of their solar panels. In fact they are often quickly forgotten just as soon as installation has been completed. Unfortunately, the efficacy of solar panels decreases greatly as they become dirty. Some individuals will also spend time trying to figure out what costs less, a professional cleaning of their panels slowly decreasing efficiency. Allowing solar panels to collect dirt and debris for too long a period of time will result in a noticeable efficiency and more expensive cleaning measures.

Why It Matters - Solar panels are made to collect and then convert sunlight into usable energy for homes and businesses. As panels become sullied by dirt, hard water deposits, falling debris, and pests the result is less energy. Solar technology has not yet reached a point where the aforementioned don't retard their work so they must be cleaned on a regular basis. After spending a considerable sum on their installation it stands to reason that individuals would want their solar panels to perform optimally right?

Common Problems - "Dirty" is a general term used to describe things or areas that are or have fallen into a state of disrepair. There are some very specific things that cause solar panels to become noticeably ineffective. At the top of this list is dirt. Dirt from neighboring trees, that left behind from precipitation, wind, and even pollution. Combined with water or moisture in the atmosphere, dirt becomes mud or sludge. Mud and sludge then dry out and become caked onto solar panels which in turn blocks out a significant portion of sunlight.

Get To It! - So now that you understand why solar panels need to be cleaned regularly, it's important to know how to clean them. The do-it-yourself method is quite popular among home and business owners though this isn't necessarily the most efficient way to clean them. Tools and solutions made for panels are available via retail stores though these aren't always as effective or safe as individuals would like. Doing the job yourself also means using ladders or lifts, both of which can be dangerous. There's then the issue of waste disposal which can be costly if done properly. The option of hiring a professional window cleaner is always there and is in fact the best one available. They are also surprisingly inexpensive and work quickly as well. Professionals will visit your home or office on a bi-weekly basis to ensure your solar panels operate at maximum efficiency. The vast majority of professionals offer obligation free quotes as well so if you're feeling frustrated with your panels or the work give one a call!

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