Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Getting Rid of Cat Pee Smell

cleaning experts
You may love your cat, and you may give them a lot of love. They will return the favor when they use their litter box by cleaning up a little. Keeping this clean will help you avoid any smells, and your kitty will love you even more. But here’s the thing, they may sometimes miss the box. Whether it’s because you missed cleaning up or because they just couldn’t make it all into the box, you may find that a little dribble outside of their area can cause a bad smell. If you want to get rid of this smell, there are a few things that you should keep in mind moving forward.

Is Your Cat Sick? 

Before we get to the cleaning aspect, first determine whether or not your cat is sick. If they are not hitting the litter box, or they seem to be having a problem with peeing, they may have an issue in your home. Whether it’s because there’s another cat around, or they are dealing with a real sickness, you will need to get the opinion of a vet to figure this out. Sometimes, this is a sign that your cat is sick and needs help. If you’ve determined that this is not the issue, then you will no doubt want to get to the cleaning, which can be simple.

Fabric Options

If you have pee smell on any fabrics, including cushions, you should look into cleaning things up with simple detergent. You can clean up with baking soda, or just use a regular laundry detergent that can help you get the smell and stain out with ease. This is not complex in most cases as cats don’t really pee a great deal when they use their litter box, or don’t, rather.

Carpeting Options

If you have an issue in the carpet, you will need to clean things up by first spotting the wetness up with a towel. You can even use paper towels if you need to, and blot the area to get things cleaned up with relative ease. One you do this, you will want to add a little baking soda to your carpet and let it settle. After about 20 minutes, use a vacuum to clean it up. That alone will clean up the smell and will give you clear carpeting.

Hard Wood Surfaces

Moving forward with the next step, you’ll want to look into cleaning up with your normal cleaner. There’s a variety of hard wood cleaners that work here, and the smell is not going to penetrate deep into this.

At the end of the day, you’re going to find that the scent of pee will be easy to clean, if you don’t use any ammonia based cleaners. That’s your one caveat, which will help you get to this fast.

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