Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Cleaning Windows With Professional Tips

window cleaning experts
As the weather goes from cold to warm again, you’ll no doubt want to get some Spring cleaning done. One of the aspects of this is to get to your windows. Cleaning windows can be a tough job if you don’t do it properly. Many people think that this is all easy, but then they get to the task and run into a variety of problems. The following tips are tried and true, and are some of the same things that professional window cleaners utilize on a regular basis.

The Vinegar Cleaner

The first thing that you should know about cleaning windows is that you have a powerful element in your home. If you have white vinegar at home, then you have the secret ingredient to cleaning windows. Mix this with two parts water and use a spray bottle to get started. Spray this on your windows and wipe it away, that’s it. Well that’s the starting point anyway.

Clear Dry Dirt First

Before you start the cleaning of your windows, make sure that you wipe away dirt and dust first. Use a microfiber cloth to clear off these issues. By doing this, you’re going to avoid having to wipe and clean up over and over again. While cleansers do work, the effort that you will have to put in to get things clear will be double or triple. Just wipe things down first, it will pay off.

Dry Things Well

To avoid streaks, you’ll want to make sure that you dry things very well after you spray and wipe with a squeegee. If there’s any moisture left on your windows, you’ll see streaks. Also, make sure that you clean after the sun has finished hitting the areas that you want to clean. That’s going to cause the liquid to dry too fast, and could cause streaks to show up.

Cleaning Screens

If you’re going to clean windows, you might as well clean screens as well. If you don’t do this, you’ll have dirt and grime come back onto your glass. To clean screens use a large bucket of water with a little dish soap. Then use this mixture to clean the screens efficiently. Before putting them back up, make sure that you let them dry naturally.

For Deeper Cleaning

One last thing to remember about cleaning is that you may need additional support. For instance, if you have to deal with rust, you’ll need to get a cleanser that can help with this. Also, look into picking up products like CLR if you need to remove stains beyond just dirt and grime.

Stanley Window Care specializes in OC window cleaning http://www.stanleywindowcare.com/

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