Saturday, June 18, 2016

Cleaning Windows Like The Professionals

window cleaning experts
Many people think that they know what they are doing when it comes to cleaning windows. Chances are they don’t know what is going on, and in the end, streaks will abound. No matter what you do, you may find yourself forced to redo things, and perhaps just give up altogether. Even though you may be tempted to clean your windows on a weekly basis, you don’t need to go so deep. In fact, experts in the field of window cleaning suggest that you do the following cleaning option at least twice a year, and that’s about it. Too much cleaning with harsh chemicals, and constant pressure on the panes could cause them to break down and cause serious problems. To keep them from damage, consider using this method between washes, and keep your windows clean, clear, and without worry.

Deep Cleaning With Dish Soap

The first thing that you should look into is a soft brush to spread a solution of dish washing liquid and warm water. You’ll want to spread this across your windows in a circular fashion.

Get A Squeegee 

Once you have spread the dish soap solution across the windows, clear things up with a squeegee slowly. You’ll want to clean off the tool from time to time, but this will help clear the soapy mixture with a streak free shine.

Drying The Rest

There are going to be areas that you will not be able to get to. For these areas, use a microfiber cloth to clean and dry these areas. You’ll want to make sure that you get to these areas before they dry and leave stains.

Additional Notes on Cleaning

As you can see, this may seem very easy to manage. The truth of the matter is that it’s easy to clean windows. This option doesn’t require harsh chemicals, newspapers, or any elbow grease really. While you’re looking into this, consider using natural sponges as a way to get the cleaning solution padded on the windows. Avoid scrubbing hard on the panes, and wipe them more than you would use force. As for squeegees, if you find that they can be cumbersome or hard to maneuver, cut them down to size using a saw, and you’ll be back in business.

At the end of the day, test out various tools and options to help you with this task. However, keep things simple by following the above 3 major steps to cleaning windows like the pros, today.

Orange County Window Cleaning Services

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