Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Hard Water Stains Can Cause More Than An Eyesore

Hard water is something that millions of home have right now. Some people don’t even realize that it’s there but it definitely flows through the faucets and plumbing of millions. It simply means that there are a lot of metals and minerals in the water that is coming to and through the home. Your plumbing can end up getting clogged as a result. When these deposits settle on the plumbing you’ll find that they close up and cause breaks in the flow of water. Mineral enriched water is important to homes as it offers clean and safe water. However you will find that there are some issues that come with this. Some of them include skin irritations spots and specks on dishes and that’s just the starting point.

Hard Water Stains
Image Source: http://www.stanleywindowcare.com

Looking For The Signs of Hard Water

First and foremost you should know where hard water hits most. You may find yourself overlooking the signs because they don’t manifest serious problems at first glance. If your home has hard water look for powder and specks across all stainless steel surfaces. Furthermore look at your dishes and look for spots and film over everything. You’ll find that soap will have a hard time dissolving in this case and eventually you will have clogs. If your drains are slowing down it isn’t always an organic clog of hair it’s minerals and more effecting the flow.

Removing Stains 

There are several things that you can do to get this taken care of. It all starts with seeing the warning signs then taking charge. Make sure that you get a rust remover, clean all surfaces, and make sure that you do so often. You can dilute vinegar and water into a spray bottle to clean surfaces and remove stains. However the root cause of the issue will still be there. An ounce of prevention goes far but you will want to clear up the stains in the meantime. Left alone these spots can cause deterioration of the metals that your fixtures are made of.

Softening Water

It’s important that you look into purchasing a water softener. If you don’t get one of these options the water in your home will cause havoc in time. Left alone, hard water can cause plumbing to burst and replacement will be necessary. Stains are obvious eyesores but they shouldn’t be taken lightly. Clean them up as you live in your home but also make sure that you look at investing in a process that will soften the water flow. 

Hard Water Removal By Stanley Window Care

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